create trip

    General Info

    If you're unsure about the cost, feel free to leave this blank.

    Number of travelers

    Indicate the total number of travelers, including children of all ages.


    $ - / personCost per person will be calculated based on overall cost and number of people. It is going to be displayed on trip page.

    Trip duration (in days)

    Specify the total number of days for the trip.


    If you used multiple accommodation types during your trip, please select the one you used most frequently. Additional details can be included in the description.

    If you used various transportation methods during your trip, please select the one you used most often. You can provide more details in the description.

    Describe your trip

    Please provide a detailed description of your itinerary, including: a) General information about the trip, location, and any personal insights. b) If you include the total cost, please break down the individual elements such as food, transport, and accommodation costs. c) If there are any seasonal restrictions or public holidays that may affect the trip, please mention them here.

    Start from selecting the country. Then click on the map to add precise location. Marker have to show STARTING POINT of the itinerary. Please be as precise as possible. In the future we will be able to offer users itineraries that are close to users real location.

    Remember: File size must be less than 1 MB

    Language used in the description or in your linked content (e.g., PDF, ebook, blog, YouTube channel) related to this trip.

    Please add tags related to the hidden gems of your trip, separated by commas (e.g., Taj Mahal, Grand Canyon). Use English language only, as these will be translated into other languages in the future.

    Add map to your trip

    Extract the URL from Google My Maps and paste it here. Example URL:

    Define how do you want to monetize or promote your trip

    Add link to product on your website. It is going to be embedded as a link leading to your offer

    Extra services

    Additional button `Customize this trip` will appear on your itinerary page. When clicked it will redirect to your profile where users are able to contact you to ask for customization. It is up to you if it is going to be paid customization or not.